MoEngage Mastery: Hiding HTML Blocks Based on User Interactions
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MoEngage Mastery: Hiding HTML Blocks Based on User Interactions

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Are you tired of sending generic emails that don’t cater to your users’ unique experiences? Do you want to take your MoEngage campaigns to the next level by hiding HTML blocks based on user interactions? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to achieve this feat and elevate your email marketing game.

Understanding the Problem: Why Hide HTML Blocks?

Imagine you’re running a campaign where you want to promote a new product to users who have shown interest in similar items in the past. You create an email with a compelling subject line, a catchy heading, and a brief description of the product. However, you also want to include a special offer for users who have clicked on a specific link in your previous campaign. How do you ensure that only these users see the offer, while others don’t?

This is where hiding HTML blocks based on user interactions comes into play. By using MoEngage’s advanced features, you can create a personalized experience for your users, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

The first step is to identify the link that will trigger the hiding of the HTML block. This link should be unique and specific to the previous campaign. You can do this by:

  • Checking the campaign analytics to see which link was most popular
  • Using a UTM parameter to track the link’s performance
  • Creating a custom event in MoEngage to track user interactions

Once you’ve identified the trigger link, make a note of it, as we’ll use it later in the process.

Step 2: Creating a Custom Attribute in MoEngage

In MoEngage, navigate to the “Attributes” tab and click on “Create Attribute.” Fill in the details as follows:

Attribute Name: Previous Campaign Click
Attribute Type: Boolean
Default Value: False

This attribute will help us track whether the user has clicked on the trigger link in the previous campaign.

Step 3: Updating the Attribute Value

Next, we need to update the attribute value based on user interactions. In MoEngage, go to the “Journey” tab and create a new journey with the following settings:

Trigger: Link Click
Link: [Trigger Link]
Action: Update Attribute
Attribute: Previous Campaign Click
Value: True

This journey will update the attribute value to “True” whenever a user clicks on the trigger link.

Step 4: Creating the HTML Block in MoEngage

<div id="special-offer">
  <p>Special Offer for Valued Customers!</p>
  <p>Get 20% off on your next purchase!</p>

This HTML block will contain the special offer that we want to display only to users who have clicked on the trigger link.

Step 5: Hiding the HTML Block Using MoEngage’s Conditional Logic

In the same content editor, click on the ” Conditional Logic” tab and add the following condition:

 IF Previous Campaign Click == False THEN
  HIDE #special-offer
  SHOW #special-offer

This conditional logic will hide the HTML block if the user has not clicked on the trigger link in the previous campaign, and show it if they have.

Step 6: Testing and Refining

Before sending out the campaign, make sure to test it thoroughly to ensure that the HTML block is hidden correctly based on user interactions. You can do this by:

  • Previewing the email in MoEngage’s preview mode
  • Sending a test campaign to a small group of users
  • Checking the campaign analytics to see if the HTML block is being hidden correctly

Refine the campaign as needed, and once you’re satisfied, you’re ready to send it out to your users!

Conclusion: Elevating Your Email Marketing Game with MoEngage

By following these steps, you’ve successfully hidden an HTML block based on user interactions in MoEngage. This technique can be applied to various use cases, such as:

  • Hiding content based on user behavior
  • Personalizing email content based on user preferences
  • Creating dynamic content that adapts to user interactions

With MoEngage, the possibilities are endless! By mastering conditional logic and hiding HTML blocks, you can create highly personalized email campaigns that drive engagement, conversion, and revenue.

MoEngage Mastery: Take Your Email Marketing to the Next Level

Want to learn more advanced techniques in MoEngage? Check out our comprehensive guide to MoEngage mastery, where we cover topics such as:

  • Using custom events to track user behavior
  • Creating complex conditional logic statements
  • Integrating MoEngage with other marketing tools

Take your email marketing game to the next level with MoEngage mastery!

MoEngage Mastery Series Topic Description
Part 1 Getting Started with MoEngage Learn the basics of MoEngage and how to create your first campaign
Part 2 MoEngage Conditional Logic Master conditional logic statements to personalize your email content
Part 3 Hiding HTML Blocks in MoEngage Learn how to hide HTML blocks based on user interactions and elevate your email marketing game

Stay tuned for more MoEngage mastery articles and take your email marketing to new heights!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of MoEngage by understanding how to customize your email campaigns. Check out these frequently asked questions to learn more about hiding HTML blocks based on user interactions!

How do I identify if a user has clicked on a specific link in a previous campaign?

You can use MoEngage’s event-tracking feature to track user interactions with your email campaigns. Simply add a unique event ID to the link you want to track, and MoEngage will capture the click event. You can then use this event to create a segment of users who have clicked on the link, and target them accordingly.

How do I use the event-tracking data to hide an HTML block in a subsequent campaign?

Once you’ve created a segment of users who have clicked on the link, you can use MoEngage’s conditional logic feature to hide the HTML block in your next campaign. Simply add a condition that checks if the user is part of the segment, and if true, hide the HTML block using MoEngage’s built-in hiding functionality.

Can I use this method to hide multiple HTML blocks based on different user interactions?

Yes, you can use MoEngage’s conditional logic feature to hide multiple HTML blocks based on different user interactions. Simply create separate segments for each interaction, and add conditions to hide the corresponding HTML blocks. This allows you to create highly personalized and dynamic email campaigns that adapt to your users’ behavior.

Will hiding HTML blocks affect the overall email layout and design?

No, hiding HTML blocks using MoEngage’s conditional logic feature will not affect the overall email layout and design. The hidden blocks will simply be removed from the email content, ensuring that the layout and design remain intact.

Are there any limitations to using this method to hide HTML blocks?

While MoEngage’s conditional logic feature is powerful, there may be limitations to the number of conditions you can add to a single email campaign. Be sure to check MoEngage’s documentation for specific limits and best practices to ensure optimal performance.

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